3.1 Human needs
The purpose of the public realm is to meet human needs. A successful public realm scheme will fulfill clearly defined objectives which are based on human needs of the area.
The Manual for Streets sets out 5 principle functions
of the highway network:
• Place
• Movement
• Access
• Parking
• Drainage, utilities & street lighting
There is a need to balance the needs for movement and place.

Are there any legal requirements to meet human needs?
There are laws that confer and protect rights:
• Human Rights Act - right to respect for property, family life and correspondence
• Highwats Act - right to use and enjoyment of the highway
Legal requirements to meet needs, examples include:
• Common law and highway maintenance – if it is economic and practical to provide protection for less able persons – eg blind people then one should do so. However no duty to provide a bowling green.
• Disability Discrimination Act– duty to have regard to the needs of disabled persons
3.2 Policies to help people
First we consider what people do and what they say, and then how we can help them.
Basic observations
Consider any stretch of street. People walk, cycle and drive. Those that walk are the most diverse. Most people can walk.
What are they doing when they walk? Usually it is to get somewhere: to work, to school, to visit friends, to the shops, back again, to look at shop windows, at famous buildings, to feed pigeons.
People sit: |
For short times |
For longer times |
To enjoy the view |
While resting |
While waiting for a bus |
Under cover, protected from the weather |
Enjoying the environment |
People stand: |
Waiting for a bus |
While talking to friends |
Waiting for shops to open |
Meet people: |
Friends by chance |
By appointment |
In groups |
Collecting for charity |
Performing |
People walk: |
To work |
To the shops |
As tourists |
People with disabilities: |
Are blind with guide dog |
Are there visually impared people without dog |
With a stick |
With assistance |
People work: |
Delivering parcels, collecting or sweeping litter |
Collecting |
Sweeping litter |

Can people find their way easily?
Consideration: What would help them do what they are doing, with more convenience and pleasure?
Do they need more space, smoother walking surfaces, places that are more interesting?
Some recognised survey techniques are: vehicle/pedestrian volumes and conflicts, Pedestrian Environment Review System, SpaceSyntax, PlaceCheck, heritage assessment.
PERS: software by TRL
Heritage Assessment
3.3 Reasons to seek public opinion
The government agenda is tending to devolve power to communities with consultation being advocated by the Audit Commission.
We seek public opinion to:
• Inform / advice / educate
• Consult
• Involve
People are different and have different points of view.
• Different people will have different perceptions
• A change or problem will impact on people differently
• Our ability to react differs
The choices we make differ.
Level of involvement
Don’t waste peoples time.
Public opinion will always have a valuable contribution to make.

Seeking public opinion