13.2 Analysis with 3D presentation
Presenting design in three dimensions is an important way to look at engineering and urban design together. It enables street furniture, lighting, utility equipment and landscape to be clearly shown. Three dimensional layouts are also useful in consultation with the public.
Street plans and cross-sections should be developed initially. Simple perspectives or axonometric drawings can be produced to add clarity and assist designers in visualising and refining their ideas. Such three-dimensional representation is fairly easy to achieve by CAD software or by hand.
Hand versions have the advantage of being totally under the control of the designer. Axonometric drawings are easily produced, using axonometric graph paper. The dimensions indicated on a plan are transferred to the 30 degree angled lines. The drawing is thus to scale.
A simple junction

Plan of junction with key dimensions: A, B, C, D, E

Axonometric of junction which can be used to position street furniture and assess the designs visual impact.
Alternative designs may be visually compared with this simple tool which is low tech and easily adjuctable.
Would the area benefit from having additional trees or some seating for instance?