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Professional Certificate in
Design & Management of the Public Realm

The syllabus divided into four areas of learning aims:
Delivery, Concepts, Techniques and Decision Making

Delivery: Understanding the delivery process 
1. Powers to act  1.1 National and local government
1.2 Acts policies regulations
2. Funding sources  2.1 Funding systems
2.2 Aftects of disparate powers and funds 
Concepts: Understanding national & local policies and concepts
3. Users & consultation  3.1 Human needs
3.2 Policies to help people
3.3 Reasons to seek public opinion
3.4 Risk. Balanced judgements
4. Transport, safety & amenity 4.1 Need for traffic. 
4.2 Traffic and safety
4.3 Management of traffic
4.4 Links and junctions
4.5 Traffic generation. Flows and growth
5. Quality & regeneration 5.1 Regeneration
5.2 Quality of space. Human scale
5.3 Importance of Image
5.4 Streets for All 
5.5 Urban space. Quality
6. Landscape & streetscape 6.1 Urban space & landscape concepts. 
6.2 Appropriate materials: geography and history
6.3 Workmanship
Techniques: Understanding basic implementation techniques
7. Transport models  7.1 Traffic measurement and surveys
7.2 Capacity and safety Junctions PICADY
7.3 Roundabouts. ARCADY. 
7.4 Mini roundabouts
7.5 Signals. LINSIG
7.6 Street furniture, traffic signs, name plates 
8. Designing for multi users 8.1 Movement. Mixed use streets
8.2 Traffic signs regulations. 
8.3 Home Zone regulations20mph zones
8.4 Crossings & multi user. Regulations
8.5 20 mph zones
9. Traffic calming, parking  9.1 Natural traffic calming
9.2 Parking techniques
10. Footway & highway construction 10.1 Footway design. 
10.2 Footway. Maintenance
10.3 Lighting & cameras
10.4 Local materials. Techniques
10.5 Cycists
11. Quality and practical design 11.1 Case study, pedestrian crossing
11.2 Urban space. Landscape techniques
11.3 Traffic measures in rural context
11.4 Traffic measures in urban context
Decision making: Understanding design and decision making
12. Seeking public opinion  12.1 Decision making process.
Design demonstration
12.2 Consultation techniques
13. Surveys, analysis, sketch designs 13.1 Survey, analysis, sketch designs
13.2 Analysis techniques
13.3 Analysis and 3D presentation
14. Evaluation. A balanced view  14.1 Risk and forming balance judgements
Streets for All
Manual for Streets




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